Kernels Part 1: What is an RBF Kernel? Really?

An intriguing article. To look at an RBF kernel as a low pass filter is something novel. It also basically shows why RBF kernels work brilliantly on high dimensional images. Given that your image features generally lie in a continuous domain, an RBF kernel generally can fit smooth solutions and thereby create more relevant separating hyperplanes,especially in case of multiple classes.

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My first blog on machine learning is to discuss a pet peeve I have about working in the industry, namely why not to apply an RBF kernel to text classification tasks.

I wrote this as a follow up to a Quora Answer on the subject:

I will eventually re-write this entry once I get better at Latex.  For now, refer to 

Smola, Scholkopf, and Muller, The connection between regularization operators and support vector kernels

I expand on one point–why not to use Radial Basis Function (RBF) Kernels for Text Classification.  I encountered this  while a consultant a few years ago eBay, where not one but 3 of the teams (local, German, and Indian) were all doing this, with no success  They are were treating a multi-class text classification problem using an SVM with an RBF Kernel.  What is worse, they were claiming the RBF calculations…

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